Friday, June 26, 2015

Which Way To Jingle Town?

This is what happens when you let newbies run around the Big Brother house for a week without supervision! Your pre-game fave starts hanging with a bad crowd.

The feeds come on and there is Austin behaving like a complete dodo head as the house guests do an endless round of shout outs to celebrate the live feeds coming on.

Austin looked so good in his bio. So smart in his interviews. And now here he is on my live feeds looking pretty ridiculous as he and Jace yell and stomp and run the show for us.

Jace and Austin retire to the hangout room to continue their bro show, and it becomes obvious that Austin is just as much of a jerk as Jace. Austin isn't just hangin with the bad crowd, he is the bad crowd!

They have clever names for suspected alliances in the house: Shell Town? Schill Town? Jingle Town? They have plans to manipulate everyone. They have secret jokes that make them giggle. They seem fairly convinced that after ten minutes of the live feeds coming on they are every one's favorites and they have this whole BB thing locked down.

I give up on Austin as a lost cause, and look around to see where my other faves are. Jason looks pretty comfy in the BB house, fitting right in and doing just fine.  John the Dentist is alternately mellow and boingy-boingy off the wall. I hear some whispers about him here and there, but for now he seems safe from the house, and the influence of the bad kids, who are still performing their Bro Show for the cameras.

Now where is Vanessa, my fave poker player?  Oh my goodness she is a hot mess already. She misses her girlfriend, she doesn't like bullies, she's claustrophobic, and she doesn't know if she can do this! I think she is a Have Not, so I am hoping this is the slop talking.

Steve is trying his best to cheer Vanessa up with some kind of mind/number/word  game. It sounds like torture, but seems to dry up her tears for a while.

Steve and Jackie are on the block, but talk around the house is that everyone agrees they want Jace  out. Yes please! Back door plans week one seem a bit dramatic, but I'm all for it if Jace leaves the house. Then maybe Austin can redeem himself.

The feeds are all glitchy and looping and I am ready for bed. James is thinking about bed too. He is kinda wishing he was a Have Not, cuz he is loving those dentist chairs. He loves them so much he decides he's gonna sleep in one instead of being all lonely up in the HoH room. Seriously. Sounds like some Jingle Town nonsense to me!

                                    Have A Dorky Day!

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