Sunday, June 28, 2015

Devin Has A Daughter...With Amanda....Her Name Is Audrey

So I slept through another round of The Audrey Show. Why didn't Audrey wake me up? She woke everyone else up! Uh oh! Maybe she is targeting me! When she gets that look in her eye I bet she can see me!

That crazy gleam in her eye is so much like Amanda BB15 it's scary. I remember that look. Target Locked!  Mission is a go no matter what. Tenacious. Relentless. Ceaseless.

I can't even begin to follow all the circular talk from Audrey last night. I'll leave that to the professional BB updaters. Gawd bless them for risking their sanity for the rest of us.

Astrology, psychic energy vibes, secret symbols and unnamed sources have shown Audrey that certain people are lying and untrustworthy. She seems to be targeting Vanessa and Jackie, but then she throws Steve in there, just because.

And everybody she she has summoned to the HOH just lets her go on and on and on. They seem to be afraid of her and I just can't understand why. A couple people challenged her now and then but backed down pretty quick.

And then the Devin devil in Audrey's head whispers to her that she must go wake up even more people and haul their butts up to the HoH. Jason and Jeff say No! No! No! And just like Devin, she ignores the better judgement of her super-size alliance and goes to wake them up!

Once again, the only concrete result of Audrey's meeting is that now everyone involved can see even more clearly that she just is trying to make big trouble. And once again, they all pretty much decide to let her do it. It's crazy!

So if Devin and Amanda have a daughter, whose name is Audrey, that means she was born when they were...hmmm...5 years old? Impossible you say? Well, I hear Caleb was the midwife, so it must be true.

                                             Have A Dorky Day

Saturday, June 27, 2015

All About Audrey

Whew! The first full day of live feeds completely wore me out. It started slow and then - boom!

Steve won the POV with the word trombonist and then promptly disappeared from the feeds for most of the day. Smart move.

When the feeds came back after the comp Audrey had a demonic gleam in her eye. She had a mission. Nothing would stop her. Something about her hearing of a plan to back door her. Let's get it straight, she is the victim here, and she will get to the bottom of this if it takes all day.

Here follows the fetching of various people to be interrogated by Audrey. House guests go up and down, and in and out, and Audrey demands to know who said what to whom. For some reason Audrey is allowed to keep her sources secret. Everyone else better name names, right now.

Austin, Jace, De'Vonne, James, and Liz are the main targets of Audrey's suspicions. No one questions her right to command an audience. Austin tries to get some specific answers from her but she goes all vague and reminds him that she is the victim here. She has been nice to everyone. She is a caring person. She has comforted them all, consoled them all (???) and for someone to do this to her hurts her.

And this is how the day goes, and long into the night. Everyone involved can plainly see that Audrey is playing hard, that she wants to pit people against each other, that she is pretty much trying to run the game. And yet they spend most of their day kissing her butt.

There are already quite a few alliances in the house, but Audrey's search for the truth has inspired everyone to make even more alliances. Alliances real and fake start popping up all over the place.

Audrey is in at least 50 alliances by now. She takes time to connect with each one to regroup and make sure everything is ok. She takes time to give them each some advice, some coaching, some control freak instructions on how they should play the game.

Clay should give De'vonne a massage. With his shirt off. He should also kiss Shelli. Like this.... Yes, she shows him how to go in for the kiss.

Steve should stop walking around. It bugs people when he walks around. And he should stop walking in on peoples convo's. If he sees two people talking he should go away and not interrupt them.

The other house guests spend the day recovering from the inquisition.Somehow De'vonne has a target on her back and she spends some time trying to get it off. Austin is still busy planning his 9 person alliance to make it to jury. Jace decides he better go scare the bejeezus out of Steve, just because. Shelli drools over every word Clay says even though she has no idea what he is talking about. James just wants to get Jace up as the renom and lock himself in the HoH till Wednesday.

At last the back yard is open and everyone rushes outside to breathe in the fresh air and do some serious laundry. But Audrey is still working the game. She stays inside to go find Steve.  He is desperate for information but she doesn't give him many answers. She does tell him that she is the victim in all of this, without really telling him what all of this is.

She leaves him alone in the house looking dazed and confused. Me too. I'm not sure what really happened today on the live feeds. It was fast and furious and it just wouldn't stop. But one thing both Steve and I are sure of is that trombonist is our new favorite word.

                                         Have A Dorky Day!

Friday, June 26, 2015

Which Way To Jingle Town?

This is what happens when you let newbies run around the Big Brother house for a week without supervision! Your pre-game fave starts hanging with a bad crowd.

The feeds come on and there is Austin behaving like a complete dodo head as the house guests do an endless round of shout outs to celebrate the live feeds coming on.

Austin looked so good in his bio. So smart in his interviews. And now here he is on my live feeds looking pretty ridiculous as he and Jace yell and stomp and run the show for us.

Jace and Austin retire to the hangout room to continue their bro show, and it becomes obvious that Austin is just as much of a jerk as Jace. Austin isn't just hangin with the bad crowd, he is the bad crowd!

They have clever names for suspected alliances in the house: Shell Town? Schill Town? Jingle Town? They have plans to manipulate everyone. They have secret jokes that make them giggle. They seem fairly convinced that after ten minutes of the live feeds coming on they are every one's favorites and they have this whole BB thing locked down.

I give up on Austin as a lost cause, and look around to see where my other faves are. Jason looks pretty comfy in the BB house, fitting right in and doing just fine.  John the Dentist is alternately mellow and boingy-boingy off the wall. I hear some whispers about him here and there, but for now he seems safe from the house, and the influence of the bad kids, who are still performing their Bro Show for the cameras.

Now where is Vanessa, my fave poker player?  Oh my goodness she is a hot mess already. She misses her girlfriend, she doesn't like bullies, she's claustrophobic, and she doesn't know if she can do this! I think she is a Have Not, so I am hoping this is the slop talking.

Steve is trying his best to cheer Vanessa up with some kind of mind/number/word  game. It sounds like torture, but seems to dry up her tears for a while.

Steve and Jackie are on the block, but talk around the house is that everyone agrees they want Jace  out. Yes please! Back door plans week one seem a bit dramatic, but I'm all for it if Jace leaves the house. Then maybe Austin can redeem himself.

The feeds are all glitchy and looping and I am ready for bed. James is thinking about bed too. He is kinda wishing he was a Have Not, cuz he is loving those dentist chairs. He loves them so much he decides he's gonna sleep in one instead of being all lonely up in the HoH room. Seriously. Sounds like some Jingle Town nonsense to me!

                                    Have A Dorky Day!