Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Why Utopia Scared The Fook Out Of Me

"@Ravie30 *wandering around* more...sigh"

"@Ravie30 I just ate a fun size box of Milk Duds in one shot
...I'm not taking this well #Utopia"

I feel your pain. It sucks that FOX cut the live feeds with no notice. Live feed withdrawal is no laughing matter. Right now there are people searching for a live feed connection to any Utopia, in any country!  Who cares if you can't understand the language, it's live feeds!   Must. Have. Feeds!

But I, for one, am sooooooo relieved. Thank gawd, Amen.

When I first heard about the reality show Utopia, on FOX, I wanted to hide behind my couch and wait for the end of the world. Not because of the show itself. It was the idea of live feeds 24/7/365 that scared me silly.

Live feeds are like a drug. Highly addictive. The three month limit on Big Brother live feeds is like a safety net. No matter how addicted you get each season, you know you will never hit bottom. You can let yourself go for three whole months because your live feed drug supply will dry up at the end of the season.

In my real life, I am a peace loving hippy chick artist who would never mess with any one's karma. In my BB live feeder life, I embrace the dark underbelly of reality TV. I can't wait for the entire cast to crash and burn.The three month time limit helps me relax and enjoy this slightly voyeuristic dalliance. I like a little yin with my yang. Ninety days is plenty of time to let my bad self roam free.

Plus, it's a game!  With strategy! This helps me justify the endless hours of  feed watching. Not to other people, but to myself.  I know there is a game in there somewhere, as I gleefully anticipate the next breakdown, betrayal, or blow up.

Dishes and laundry can pile up to the sky. My friends can wonder aloud: "Whatever happened's her name??"  My skin can turn pale as I keep watching for one more hour, so that I don't miss one moment of game changing feeds. But I know, deep down inside, it will all be over soon.

Utopia promised one year of live feeds. No game! No prize! No strategy! Just people building a so called society. For a whole year! That's some scary shit! Seriously! I worried what would become of us. We need that break, that time off between seasons. For the good of all, we need time to cleanse our souls of the pseudo-omniscient powers of the live feeds.

I did everything in my power to resist Utopia live feeds. I would not sign up with FOX, even for the free feeds. I don't need FOX messing with my personal private interweb world!  I declined to blog Utopia. A whole year? Cows? Chickens? Are you crazy?  Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! ((runs away and hides))

I checked in now and then. I chatted here and there. I followed the twitter trail.  But live feeds don't work that way. You can't just check in.  I have known so many people like Bella, and Cal, and Rob, and Mike.  I have lived through a gazillion meetings, and food orders, and decision making disasters that were the daily fare of Utopia live feeds. I have paid my cosmic new age dues. And still the feeds drew me in. I was perilously close to a new live feed addiction.

And here is what concerned me the most. Will we watch pretty much anything if it is on a live feed? If cameras are there, will we watch? If The Truman Show and Thunder Dome had a reality show baby, would we sign up for the feeds? Will we all end up Naked and Afraid?

It was obvious from the beginning that the Utopians were not up to the task. It was bound to fail, and yet we kept watching. I'm not bashing anyone for this. I'm not criticizing anyone who loved Utopia. I enjoyed the feeds while they lasted. I am just wondering where it all might lead. What can be coming next? ((shudders))

There were a few bright and shining lights in the Utopia experience. Jon Kroll is the most patient, respectful, and sharing reality show producer in all the lands. Even now, when he must be crazy busy with the cancellation, he takes time to keep in touch with us. He listened to the live feeders! Imagine that!

The Veterinary Angels were also pretty darn wonderful. They communicated with us as openly as they could about the welfare of the animals. And they have reported to us that they assisted in placing the animals in a sanctuary.

It was a fun experiment, but I'm glad it's over. It gives me time to get back into my real life groove.

We will all be back together in February for BB Canada. See?  Live feeds are just around the corner!  Everything is gonna be okay!!!

                                                  Have a Dorky Day!