Friday, March 27, 2015

Where Is My Happy BB Canada Place?

The feeds have been down for hours on Big Brother Canada 3, and I don't seem to be that upset about it. That can't be a good sign.

I just can't seem to get into my BB groove, and I don't know why. I suspect that not having the live feeds come on right after the premier has something to do with my malaise.

This first week has been interesting twist wise. Sending the hgs into a house with no furniture, no food, no clothes was great! And all they had to eat was slop! That must have made them all cranky to the max! It really would have been fun to see them deal with that on the feeds. Lots of fun we didn't get to have because THERE WERE NO FEEDS YET !

Then there was the first eviction. And we had the power to decide who goes! That sounds like loads of fun, right? If the feeds had been on during the voting, it would have been party time! Voters could have had more info to go on than Big-Boobs-Cougar vs Silly-Laugh-Cheerleader. Fun times would have been had by all! BUT WE HAD NO FEEDS!

I wanted Risha gone just because I don't ever want a Cougar-Mance on my BB. Eeeeewwww! Maybe if I could have watched her on the feeds I could have seen her non-cougar side. *sigh*

But then, it wouldn't have mattered anyway, because she might get a chance to get back in the house! Silly twisted Twisto's twist. Sheesh!

Ok, enough complaining about no feeds. We have feeds now, and we can move on.

Yes. Let's move right on to complaining about the camera dudes. Funny the things you forget over time. I forgot how the BBCAN camera dudes have absolutely no idea what they are doing! They just focus in on random silent people no matter who is talking OFF CAMERA! They practice mood shots of the furniture and house decor. They especially like to have the cam shot in one room and the audio from another room.

This year the camera dudes are all about the aerial shot. Looking down from the ceiling onto the living room couch is absolutely no help when it comes to figuring out who is saying what to whom. Yet we have quite a few aerial views sprinkled throughout our live feed day.

Ok. Moving on.

I kinda like Jordan, Sarah, and Bobby. They seem smart and social and able to keep some info to themselves.

I don't want to like Cindy with an S, but she might just be full of all kinds of drama and game play potential. I am gonna chill with her for a while.

I liked Willow at first, but she is driving me crazy already. Willow is everywhere! I think she will be the Pop-In hg of this season, popping into every convo, in every room, on every cam. She said in her interview that she is either really up, or really emotional, so I am waiting for a meltdown before passing judgement on her.

Graig and Johnny have good meltdown potential too. Graig's melting might include berzerker possibilities, so I am chillin with him even though he seems like a bit of a jerk..

I want Zach to fail miserably in all of the hundreds of deals he has in the works.

I want Naeha to deliver on her bitch-face promises.

I want Ashleigh to decide on a hairdo and stick with it for longer than five minutes.

I want Bruno to always wear a hat because the view of his head from behind is not pleasant.

I want Pilar to blossom into a comp beast and scare the bejeezus out of everyone.

I want Godfrey to show a little personality, please!

But most of all I want to know why everyone loves Kevin? Well, they love him but don't trust him. Kevin is flirting with everyone! He's all touchy-feely-let-me-just--lay-my-leg-over-you-while-I-rub-someone-else's-feet. I don't see anything to love. He has evil inside him, I just know it.

Brittnee seems to have been wiped out already by all this BB business. I think being a have-not is gonna take all the sparkle we saw in her interviews right out of her. I would know more about this if they had shown us the have-not room on the feeds last night after the Have-Not comp, BUT THEY DID NOT!!!. I worry that she won't survive if she is nommed as planned. I want Brittnee to stay long enough to wake up and play Big Brother.

I went to bed early last night, when I finally realized they were not gonna show us the have-not room. I figured we would get to see it this morning, when the have-nots woke up all grumpy from sleeping in inhumane conditions. I was a wee bit excitable thinking about seeing the results of the have-not room deprivation.

But the feeds were down when I woke up. And they are still down as I write this. And, like I said before, I don't seem to be upset about it. Where is my happy, shiny, exciting BB Canada? I hope I find it soon.

                                                        Have A Dorky Day!