Thursday, April 2, 2015

No Feeds For You!

Am I really watching people napping?  The feeds will go down for three days sometime this afternoon. As I write this two cams are still up. We have a lovely view of the bedroom. The house guests are napping. And,surprise!  The audio is working, so we can hear all the heavy sleep breathing.

I'm keeping one eye on the nap cam. Just in case we have some action. Hoping against hope that BB will slip up and let us see some super secret BB shenanigans before the feeds go down. I just know that if I turn off the feeds right now I will miss the first real excitement of this season. 

And then,they wake up! Arisa tells them to get to the living room. They sit and wait as Kevin comes out of the vault and stands on his mark. Arisa announces "Tonight is an Instant Eviction" They moan and groan and...and...the feeds go down.

What a lovely treat. We saw just enough to make us feel all better about the feeds going down for three whole days.   Who cares if we miss all the fun stuff that follows an instant eviction? We got to see the first two seconds of it. Two whole seconds! 

Aaaaaaarrrrrgggghhhhhhhhh! BB can be so frustrating!

The feeds were just beginning to be interesting. Kevin overhearing the girls HOH convo to target guys shook things up a bit. Camera-Gate delivered a wee bit of drama. Bye-Bye Cindy was fun to watch. Kevin as the new HOH gave us hope for a house split. I was finally getting into the feeds!

And now we have a three day blackout! What if Graig tells one more nasty sex story and we miss it? What if Jordan finds someone else to smooch in the most awkward way possible and we don't get to see it? What if Bobby's crush on Ashleigh becomes a full fledged Stalk-Mance while the feeds are down? What if Bruno and Graig manipulate Godfrey into going berzerker and we aren't there to witness this wondrous thing?

We just have to wait until Sunday. Then we get to see three days of instant eviction reaction madness edited down to a two minute segment. Whoop-dee-doo!

I'm just praying that Naeha will still be there on Sunday. I'm hoping she wins the next HOH and kicks some serious BB butt. I hope she gets a huge case of HOH-itis and brings the Chop Shop to it's knees. Seeing Naeha sneer down at them from up on high just might be worth three days without the live feeds.

                                              Have A Dorky Day!